Thursday, August 11, 2011

My Favorite Montana Micro Brews

I recently pulled up the website for one of my go-to Montana Micro Breweries and the first thing that caught my eye was the slogan "We Make Water Fun". I love it! I enjoy a tasty libation when the moment presents itself, whether that is while floating one of our world famous rivers, listening to Music On Main in Bozeman, or atop a mountain peak before undertaking the trek back down.

Among famous waters, great hiking, epic skiing, legendary hunting and fishing that bucket lists are created around, Montana has some phenomenal micro-brewed beers. Here are a few of my favorites:



Moose Drool - Big Sky Brewery, Missoula, MT - chocolate brown in color, with a creamy texture and just enough hop to keep it from being too sweet, Moose Drool is my favorite beer, period. There is a reason it is one of the best selling beers in Montana. Moose Drool is brewed with pale, caramel, chocolate, and whole black malts; and Kent Goldings, Liberty, and Willamette Hops.








Copper John Scotch Ale - Madison River Brewing Company, Belgrade, MT - #2 on my list, but not by much, this Scotch Ale is like no other. The brewers use the finest smoked malt for flavor complexity and then combine it with roasted barley, and caramel malts for a rich, distinctive and smokey flavor. These ingredients, together, give this beer a deep, dark color that is pleasant and surprisingly easy to drink. It is smooth and satisfying to many types of beer drinkers. One of my wife's favorites as well.






Salmon-fly Honey Rye - Madison River Brewing Company, Belgrade, MT - tied for my #3, Salmon fly is a unique style of beer that has proven to be attractive to many types of beer drinkers, old and young, new and experienced, and many more. This unique golden colored brew is made from Montana malted barley, local honey, and German rye malt. Together these ingredients and hops give this beer a great balance, and refreshing flavor. It finishes with a touch of spice from the rye and a very subtle sweetness from the honey.





Bozone Select Amber - Bozeman Brewing Company, Bozeman, MT - My other #3 for go to beers, Bozone Select is the flagship offering from Bozeman Brewing Company. A light amber ale that has a medium malt body gently balanced by a hint of hops for a clean, refreshing finish. Dry hopped with Cascade hops for a pleasant aroma. Made with Pale, Crystal & Vienna malts.





Check them out at your local package store and if they don't have them, its just one more reason to plan your trip to Montana.

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